Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Myths World Model

Star-Gt | With appearances in fabulous nan glamorous photo, it's not surprising that many mistakes fahaman appearing in public about the world of modeling. However, it is actually the same as most other industries, many things are not as you might think ... Before stuck deep in prejudices and powerless, for that I tried to question some of the models, to know whether it can be justified or just a rumor.

The model has a sexy body For Anorexia
Anorexia is one generalization that is given to the model, since they are very thin. "Basically, a model still eat like a normal person. It's just that he said "we maintain by avoiding carbohydrate diet, exercising regularly, such as following the cardio at the gym, and solid activity is often done from dawn till night," it is clear, a model who is also a Fun Fearless Female of 2012.
Models usually Arrogant
Is he ..?
With such a glamorous environment, it is no wonder if many people who think that the model was being arrogant. They just want to hang out fellow model, socialite or a celebrity. "Actually, no, because of the nature of it depends on whether or not overbearing personality of each. As in any workplace there is also the choice of friends, as well as in the modeling world, "depending on their respective personal.

Models Should Always Looks Fabulous
"Look beautiful, stylish and fashionable is a must, because it could be right in the mall to meet with clients, designers," explains his (one model that does not want to be named). But there are also models that reveal the Fun Fearless Female and 2011 explains that the model does not always have to look pretty. "A model to look beautiful because she is a trend setter. But many of my friends when complete show back to his own self, "said her (one of the models who do not wish to be named).

The model was his job easy
Just stay posing and getting a lot of money. It seems like a perfect job for someone who did not bother. But is the model work just like that? "Working as a model is exhausting. Besides prone to gossip is not good, pose during photo also easy to imagine, "said her (one of the models who do not wish to be named). The beautiful woman also explained that apart from having to know how to pose and walk right. Being a model can not be cashed beautiful, but also must have a strong character and more importantly smart professionalism in carrying out its time to work.

Getting models wearing clothes from designers
After appearing on-stage glamor, certainly often springs to mind when the model you get the clothes she wore it for free ... "Most do not. All depends brandnya ". in my interview he explains ... that the model is actually just loaned clothes to become the brand image of the designer after the show is completed and should be returned. so, if you have any myths or ideas of how a simple model and its work was adakala you should clarify first, is it true ...? My advice if you want more clear in addressing how the modeling world .., well you just ask him, so you can conclude that what would you feel if you are a model or be in position.


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